国外职场说的 “Career Cushioning” 是什么意思?| 职场热词

“Career Cushioning”是目前国外职场流行的一个热词,你知道是什么意思吗?

先看看这段对话,或许你就能猜出“Career Cushioning”的意思了。

A: Hey, I heard you're taking night classes. What's the reason for that?
B: Yes, I'm doing it as a form of "career cushioning." The job market is so unpredictable these days, and I want to be prepared for any changes.
是的,我把它当做一种“Career Cushioning”。这段时间的就业市场难以预测,我想要让自己能够应对各种变化。


那么这样的举措,其实就是国外职场常说的“Career Cushioning”,意指“职业缓冲”


Career cushioning is a strategy in which professionals take steps to create just-in-case alternate paths to employment in the event they lose their jobs.

这个词源于职业专家凯瑟琳·费希尔(Catherine Fisher)在LinkedIn上发的一篇帖子。她表示,职业缓冲是“主动出击,给自己留有选择的余地,为未来经济和就业市场上的波动做好缓冲。”

Career Cushioning is taking actions to keep your options open and cushioning for whatever comes next in the economy and job market.

怎么理解“Career Cushioning”这个词呢?


职场风云变幻,打工人未雨绸缪,在职的同时开始积极寻求其它出路作为自己的plan B,希望这些后备措施能像靠垫一样,在面对职场上的风险、不确定和挑战时能减轻自己的损失,增加个人生涯的稳定性,起到缓冲和保护的作用。

因此,“Career Cushioning”就是“职业缓冲”的意思。

➡️ When she realized the industry might be facing instability, she began implementing a career cushioning strategy, which included learning new skills and building a broader professional network.
➡️ When the economy is sluggish, many people take career cushioning measures to ensure they have alternate career paths in case they lose their jobs.

“Career Cushining”一词的出现其实反映着就业市场的变化。经济下行,市场持续低迷。Meta、推特(Twitter)、亚马逊(Amazon)和谷歌(Google)等巨头公司纷纷掀起了大规模的“裁员潮”。


如何做好“Career Cushioning”呢?《福布斯》(Forbes)给出了如下建议:

✏️ 职业SWOT分析



✏️ 学习最新的技能


✏️ 保持关系网


✏️ 保持乐观积极的态度

“Career Cushioning”只是为自己留一条后路,不必过分夸大。如果能在目前的工作岗位上保持稳定,同时不断提升自己的技能,那就是最好的情况。

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