Enhance your team’s capabilities  through clearer communication

Being understood is critical in a medical context. Maximize your healthcare team's communication skills and forge stronger connections with patients and caregivers. Save time and money learning critical terms quickly and effectively.

Build a culture of effective communication for your teams

Learn 1000+ verified terms that are verified by professionals

Test your language skills before going to market and speaking to your clients

Practice from a suite of 2000+ questions per course, specially curated by our linguist experts

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Quickly learn industry-specific terms in another language

Comprehensive coverage: An extensive range of industry-specific terms and definitions

Up-to-date terminology: A current and relevant content library you can count on. Use up-to-date industry lingo and keep ahead.

See our courses

Monitor your ROI to maximize your learning investments

Cohort management: Set cohorts for different departments of your organization

Data-driven insights: Identify areas for improvement in real-time and select targeted action quickly with customised reporting

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Be Business Fluent, Get Bluente!

Business Impact

92% of Bluente users communicated more effectively after 3 weeks of use

Employee engagement

65% completion rate, 10x higher than our closest competitors

Morale boost

80% NPS, clients are extremely satisfied with Bluente’s solution

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